tempo-k8s docs - How to integrate with `grafana-k8s`

Integrate Tempo as a Datasource in Grafana

Assuming you have a charmed application whose workload or charm is instrumented and is pushing traces into Tempo.

As part of powerful Tempo capabilities, you can configure Tempo as a datasource to a grafana-k8s instance to view traces and spans there.

Deploy grafana-k8s

skip this section if you have a cos-lite bundle deployed.

juju deploy grafana-k8s grafana --trust 

Integrate with grafana on grafana-source

juju integrate tempo:grafana-source grafana:grafana-source

integrating over grafana-source endpoint will provision tempo as a data source in grafana.

Integrate with grafana on tracing

juju integrate tempo:tracing grafana:tracing

integrating over tracing endpoint will instrument grafana charm to push its charm traces to tempo. soon, grafana-k8s will have support to send its workload traces as well once tracing relation is established.

View grafana traces

first, we need to open grafana web UI by following accessing grafana UI from host machine.

Then, open Grafana web UI form your local web browser and login using the admin password.


Toggle Menu → Explore → Choose your tempo datasource 

Then, run TraceQL query below:

{.service.name = "grafana"}

This should result in an output similar to the one below:

you can view all traces pushed by grafana and inspect their spans. See more about traces and spans in the Charm Realm

Last updated 9 months ago.